Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28, 2013

Where do sticky hands come from??  Sticky faces and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, of course.

Matt was at the helm of the ship this weekend while I worked, and the boys gave him a run for his money, poor man.  When Levi was a baby, getting him to take naps was a challenge because he'd want to just jabber to himself and play in his bed, sleep for 20 or 30 min, and then want to get up again.  Luke is a challenge because he wants everything to be *JUST SO* in order to fall asleep.  You have to stand a certain way, hold him a certain way, put his paci in a certain way, sing him a certain song...and THEN - maybe THEN - he will be pleased.  But then once he's pleased he'll sleep for a good hour or two at least a couple times a day.  Unfortunately, Matt had not cracked the code and our little mighty warrior was in hysterics for much of the day yesterday.  Thankfully, today we had everything back in order and Luke was pleased.:)

Levi now covers his ears when we are telling him something he doesn't want to hear.  He rolls out Matt's phrases one after the other and in shockingly appropriate context, which makes it even funnier: "That's what I'M talking about!" and "Prove it!" and "Molly get out of this kitchen and stop pacing" (Oh wait, that's my phrase...but yes, he does tell Molly to get out of this kitchen and stop pacing).  He likes to put his stuffed animals down for 'naps' in Luke's crib...only I don't know it until I'm setting Luke down (ever so gingerly in the dark) and come upon a large stuffed bear, frog, dog, giraffe, or monkey right where Luke belongs.  Honestly, I love living with a two year old - they are so full of raw life. :)

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