Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25, 2013

Not much here except that it was a busy weekend and I loved the sunshine today. :)  We made it outside and spent some time breaking up the ice on the driveway.  

I think we're hitting our stride - at least for right now, it'll probably change tomorrow - with Luke going down decently for naps during the day, and just like Levi he is a goner between 7:30 and 8pm.  After months of doing all kinds of song and dance to get him to sleep at night, apparently he decided that was too much work and just decided to....go to sleep.  He goes from 7:30 or 8 now until about 5 or 6, eats, and then goes back down till 8 or 8:30.  I'd describe this stage in a baby's life as sort of like March or April in Michigan: you know the blizzard of the century can still come, and it can still be cold, but the stretches of warm and pleasant weather are becoming longer and closer together, and next thing you know, it's summer.  I think once we get past the 5 month stage for the most part, the stretches of sleep are more consistent, you might his regressions over the next several months, but the there's a 'normal' that they will start to default to.  That's a word of encouragement for first-time moms!!!

Now that I typed all that he's going to exact his revenge starting at midnight, I'm certain of it!

Levi is very into songs lately.  He loooves listening to music and will almost seem like he's falling asleep or doesn't feel well, he'll just lie on the floor when his music is on.  But he's taking in the lyrics and memorizes them with incredible accuracy. Nana taught him "It's a Grand Old Flag" and now he's taught US the words. Could we have an auditory learner on our hands?

The last couple of nights at the dinner table he's said to me out of the blue, "Thanks for the good dinner, Mama."  Last night as he was eating the turkey soup that Nana sent, he added, "This is yummy soup. Nana hooked you up, Mama."  We were rolling.

If Levi could sit and read books (and product descriptions in toy catalogs) all the livelong day, he would.

Mango-banana-blueberry goatee.  He gobbled that concoction

 Levi wanted to make sure Peter was ready to go outside, too.

Luke in a tuke!

Using the "impact hammer" (this comes along with a rousing rendition of "Impact Hammer" from Truck Tunes)

He couldn't wait to put on Matt's sunglasses when he pulled in the driveway

Babies in matching cloth dipes make me swoon. :)

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