Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February 20, 2013

It's been a while.  I worked this past weekend and I've just been tired to boot.  I so remember Levi at this age: Luke wakes up in the middle of the night - sometimes multiple times - but doesn't need to be fed, he just jabbers and jabbers and jabbers to himself.  He has a lights-n-sounds machine that he knows how to kick on, and his crib is just outside our bedroom door, so you'll see this blue ethereal glow around the edges of the door like in a creepy movie.  Light on, light off, light on, light off.  He's discovered his feet and how to spin himself around in his crib, so he ends up sideways and then he's mad because his head is jammed up against the slats.  He's developing object permanence, so now he's like, "Hey - HEY - I know you're there!" if we try to sneak by on the way to the bathroom.  He has a certain "call" that he uses to let us know he only wants attention - it's sort of a high-pitched hoot.  Anyway, all that to say, between the hours of 3am and 6am he's on and off with trying to kick at his machine and turn it on, turning sideways in his crib, and hooting for attention.  Then he drifts off to sleep and wakes up an hour later and starts it all over again.  And I lie there and listen and wait to go back to sleep.  And Matt snores thru it all.


(I'm making motorboat noises here)

But Luke's his smiley self, and we noted he is less king-like as of late and just more a fairly content and predictable baby.  I started feeding him some solids this week and he's not quite the hoover that Levi always was from the start, but he seems pretty pleased.  My version of feeding solids is whatever we happen to be eating at the moment I smoosh with a fork, mix it with some breastmilk, and serve it up.  Tonight it was butternut squash.  He's had banana and a few bites of baby applesauce as well.  He's closer to sitting up on his own but doesn't roll over much, I just don't think he's really seen the point.  He watches Levi like a hawk.  And he's been "kissing" me lately - a huge, wide open and slobbery mouth all over my cheek and nose. :)

Levi's Levi. :)  The stuff that comes out of this kid's mouth is hysterically unpredictable.  Yesterday he hung out with me while I chopped veggies for dinner (he pirated half of them).  He told me he married a good woman.  (Most of what he parrots is from Matt, in case you can't tell.) 

He's definitely his mother's child.  Slurping on a smoothie (um, mine) and reading a good book.

Today he wanted to watch videos of himself when he was a baby. So here we are hangin' on the couch.  It's a hilarious picture of him so I couldn't not post it.

 Today he earned more video time on his potty chart.  The DVD player died so he's thrilled to watch it on mama's computer.  Luke joined for a minute and Levi is making sure that George is in on the action too.  ("See, George?  See the luffing jib?")


Helping me - but not helping me - put away dipes and wipes.  With a Bobcat of course.

After-bath boy time in front of the mirror.

I don't know if he's going thru a growth spurt or what lately, but he's eating me out of house and if he didn't eat more than the average man already. He opens the pantry and stands in front of it and asks what he can have for a snack.  Tonight he told me he's "dying for food" right before dinner.  And as Matt was walking out of his room after tucking him in he was shouting out his breakfast order for the morning (waffle and pears - the kitchen wench has been notified...oh yeah, that's me).

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