Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 21, 2013

We have no idea how this got started, but a recent bedtime/naptime ritual involves Levi going to his room to shut the door (because he has to "hide" for a pre-bed game of hide & seek)...but then a few seconds later he opens it up and peeks out and says, "Licka-licka-licka!!" and we respond, "Licka-licka-licka!" and then he shuts the door.  And opens it again and we repeat the call and response.  About three or four times.  


Have I ever mentioned that we have the world's NEEDIEST dog??  If Molly were a person, she'd be that crazy girlfriend who blows up your phone with calls and texts to talk about your relationship, see if you still love her, and needs constant reassurance.  If I'm on the floor playing with Luke, Molly's face is literally - LITERALLY - in mine trying to intercept the exchange.

See?  Even Luke's like, dude...whaddya doin' on my blanket.

Mom, seriously, why's this dog in my face. 

She's sweet, though, and we love her.  Needs and all.  She can spend her day being stepped on, laughed at, picked on, run into with toys, tail and ears pulled, and she will never, ever, EVER make a peep of complaint.  She's as gentle with babies as the day is long.  Did I mention she's also as needy as the day is long?  Oh, I did?  Well, she is.

Bruvvers. :)

1 comment:

  1. Tell Molly that I love her needs and all!
