Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 30, 2013

Welp, we put the boys together in their room on Sunday night. We got inspired and excited and it was the thing to do.  It was liberating to get up to go to the loo and actually walk on two feet past where Luke has slept for 10+ months.

But.  Luke wakes up at 4:30. And he's loud.  Up in 'his' spot, he can shout it out until 5 (then I feed him and put him back to bed, and he sleeps till about 7ish).  But I just can't do that to Levi right now, make him listen to Luke in stereo for 30-45min.  Levi is a trooper, and he nearly *NEVER* complains, even about a loud little brother waking him up.  But it's just not a good time.  We were keeping Levi up later so that Luke could get to sleep before Levi, and then Luke's waking up Levi at a terrible hour of the morning....so it's just not a good time. I need to get Luke over the hump and at least sleeping until 5 or 5:30. I don't mind getting up at 5. So, *sigh,* back to the army crawl we go.  It's just for a short season, right?  This morning I put Luke back upstairs after feeding him, and Levi ended up sleeping an extra hour beyond when he normally gets up. It's like he was so relieved to just be able to sleep straight through the rest of the morning.

 We love how Luke just loves to play. He's very independent and takes off after his favorite toys.


This week is the letter "e" and a food theme.  I'm trying something new after breakfast to hopefully quell some of the hyperventilating over sharing toys: putting out random things for the boys to fiddle around with.  Yesterday I put out plastic easter eggs in a bowl with a ladle, an egg carton with little pom poms and a teaspoon and tongs to transfer them, and a pile of kitchen objects.  Levi LOVED pretending to serve hot dogs at 8th St. Grille.  It was a huge success. Both boys loved playing with something new.

I set them up to finger paint some letter E worksheets, even Luke. Yes, without a smock. I live on the edge.

Levi's foam letter elephant that we glued together.

True story: Levi LOVES to run.  Matt runs most mornings, so Levi has picked up on that and talks about going on a two mile run every day.  Any chance we get, he runs around the block. I push Luke in the stroller and follow him.  He sets a pretty good pace!

This morning we played with play-doe and strung beads on pipe cleaners.  He memorized Proverbs 20:11 ("Even a child is known by his deeds").  We checked out a bunch of books from the library and learned about emperor penguins today.

Yes, you are seeing this correctly.  Luke LOVES the "jeep."  He sits on it and holds the handlebars and waits for me to come and push the button so it'll go.  He holds on perfectly while I steer him around the yard.  It is THE funniest thing to behold.  He skipped the whole baby stage of life and is running pell-mell into being a little boy.

He actually prefers to stand while he drives, LOL.

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