Friday, July 19, 2013

July 19, 2013

Levi was not terribly interested in project time today; he wanted to watch a video.  So I let him watch one episode of Mighty Machines while I caught up on some house work.  He gets video time every day, which is my opportunity to knock things off my list.  It's what works.  Afterward I had his project stuff out just in case he was interested.  He said no.  So we read the books I had picked out for the letter L (Little Critter, and a Lightning McQueen story called "Lights Out").  I asked him again if he wanted to do a project. No.  I left the room for half a second, and came back to see him poking through the project stuff.  I had pre-cut some craft foam to make the letter L look like a lion.  I asked if he wanted to see what it would look like if it were put together. No.  I did it anyway. He giggled.  He loves to watch me do things. So I glued the lion together.  He laughed some more and wanted his picture taken with it.  I asked if he wanted to do some cutting and taping. No.  Next thing I know he's playing with the scissors. So I held the paper and he hacked at it, then wanted to put a couple pieces of tape on it (it was his memory verse, you cut it into a strip and tape it together to make one long sentence).  So hey, he got some experience with cutting and taping, we talked about the letter L, he counted some things in his books (of his own accord), and then I started reciting the first few words of his verse, and he rolled out with the rest of it nearly word for word!!!!  Blew me away!!  Well there you go.  Some things do stick in their heads.  Then he wanted to paint, which he never asks to do, so I set him up with some paints for a few minutes.

With his letter "L" craft

Painting :)

And of course playing trains afterward.  We bought the dog insert a while back.

New afternoon favorite: being sprayed with the hose. I have one of those wands with several different settings, so he gets blasted with a variety of sprays.

Dressed and ready to head outside after nap.

Luke!!! Oh, how this baby loves the water.  I am DRENCHED after every bath time. He LOVES to splash.

What. The. Heck.  The little baby is mowing the lawn now.  We think he's going to skip walking and go straight to running.  He motored up the stairs the other day when I wasn't looking. I thought he was giggling in Levi's room, and then realized he was giggling in OUR room.

Crazy garden update: watermelons!!!  Several little babies and two of these big guys sitting on the trellis!

A fuzzy little baby. Isn't he cute?

1 comment:

  1. OMG. They are soooo cute...The boys and of course the watermelons. I can't wait to see them soon....I get in town on the 10th!
    xoxoxAuntie ECee
