Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 23, 2013

We were supposed to go to Mary's today so the two of us could work on our Bible study together, but our sitter fell through.  We've had that happen before, and at those times we've watched our video while they boys played, but it was more like watch for one minute, pause and break up an argument....watch for another minute, pause and break up an argument...watch for one minute, pause and figure out who is harassing the other......you get the point.  Not terribly productive.  We decided not to try it again today, neither boy was in the mood for it.  

Thankfully, Nana was already on her way (Luke stays here with her on Tuesdays while we go to Mary's, that way he takes a nice nap in his own bed, and he and Nana get some face time together), so I was able to get out to the library, AND I went out for coffee and to catch up on my Bible study.  I feel so, so spoiled.  Mary Poppins lives ten minutes away.  I can't thank her enough!!

No one has ever shouted from the rooftops, "I LOVE LIVING WITH A TODDLER!!!!"  Have they????  Because we are in a really difficult season right now.  Babies, while they rob you of sleep, are really fairly easy, especially when they are immobile.  Bouncy seats and swings by and large occupy them nicely.  Luke is now in one of our favorite stages (10+ months), buuuuutttttt......the things that make us cheer him on are the very things that Levi is trying to do to get the same attention now.  And what makes you cheer and giggle with a baby (blowing raspberries, happy shrieks and squeals, etc) don't translate into very cute toddler behavior.  So we've never up to this point dealt with any regression behavior in Levi since Luke was born.  But now we're getting it in spades.  It has not been easy to get across to Levi that Luke can do certain things that Levi's not allowed to do, because he's too little to know better, or he doesn't have words so that's his only way to communicate.  In addition to the fact that Luke wants to play with Levi's toys, and this creates pandemonium.  I spend most of my morning spinning around Levi's meltdowns over Luke even looking at whatever toy Levi is playing with.  I can't describe it adequately, but it really burns your fuse fast.  In some ways, I don't blame Levi for being frustrated, but at the same time it's like, seriously, get a grip kiddo.  I feel guilty because I'm spending so much time dealing with Levi's behavior or teaching him a solution to whatever perceived tragedy is at hand, in addition to just regular house/food/life maintenance, I don't have much time left to just be with Luke. He gets hefted on my hip and carried around where I'm going if he starts to fuss, he gets played with or knocked around by Levi (which, thankfully, makes him laugh), or he just takes off and plays on his own.  I  know this is only a season, and everyone goes through it.  Sometimes I forget that Levi is only two, because the way he speaks is often much more mature than most two year olds.  But he IS only two, and his emotional maturity is like any other two year old.  Luke is entering toddler season too.  He is much more assertive and loud than Levi ever was.  Suffice to say, I think we are entering an intensely busy and mentally/emotionally exhausting season pretty soon!!

Anyway, enough about that.  I'm not trying to use this as a forum to complain. More just to say, hey, if your children are making you tear your hair out, mine are too, we are all in this together!!

Levi wanted to put his leaf stickers on an L page today. :)

Guess who figured out the open-the-drawer-throw-clothes-on-the-floor trick?

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