Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013

If you ever need to hire someone to stealthily rob a house in the middle of the night, I'm your girl.  Luke wakes up to coo for about a half hour once each night, and invariably it's right when I wake up with an exploding bladder.  Masterfully, I can army crawl past his crib and down the stairs, and I have memorized exactly where all of the squeaky spots are.  

It was a banner weekend - this almost never happens on ANY Saturday: I was not working. I was not on call. Matt was not working. We were not going anywhere.  The dog did not have to go to the vet (we take her every few weeks to take care of something that would embarrass her for me to explain).  We had no plans.  No plans had us. I was on call on Friday evening and was not called in.  THESE THINGS NEVER HAPPEN ON SATURDAYS FOR US.

Matt spent the morning playing with Levi, who was in heaven.

Apparently this is what Luke thinks about being hot.  Clearly he inherited my turn-bright-red-when-hot gene.

 We even made last minute dinner plans for Saturday night (THANK YOU NANA!!!!) and celebrated Matt's (46th!!!!!!!) birthday at City Vu Bistro downtown.

Yesterday morning before church Levi was stacking blocks, when out of the blue he said, "I'm building the Tower of Heaven."  I asked if he meant the Tower of Babel, and reminded him of that story, how the people were so proud of themselves that they tried to build a tower reaching to heaven to show how great they were, but God destroyed it and scattered them and confused their language so they wouldn't become so prideful again.  Then he socked me with, "How DO you get to heaven?" (or how do you get to God, something like that).  I explained that the Bible tells us that Jesus came from heaven to earth to take all of the consequences for all of the bad things we've ever done, and if we believe that and believe that he died and rose from the dead, we can go to heaven.  I know that's a whole ball of concepts that he will not understand for quite some time, but I also know that our job is to sow the seeds, and the Lord will pursue his heart and turn them into something that makes sense.  We talk a lot while we discipline about how we can't be good people on our own, that's why even Mama and Papa need a Savior.  Anyway, after that we were building a house of blocks together and I told him that Jesus tells us that he has a mansion and special room in it just for us...maybe Levi's room is decorated with trucks. ;)  Levi asked, "What does Jesus' room look like?"  I told him Jesus might not have a room; He never needs to sleep.  But He sits on a throne and is bigger and more beautiful than anything we've ever, ever seen, and He loves Levi because He made him, and He even knows how many hairs are on his head.

We moved on after that conversation, but I wanted to write it down and save those very first questions. He's asked a couple more questions about God in the past day or so.  His memory verse ends with "...that they may glorify your father in heaven."  Levi insists that it's "your PAPA in heaven."  He calls Matt 'papa' (something he came up with when he was first talking, we always referred to Matt as 'daddy' but Levi kept calling him 'papa').  I just find that intriguing.

Anyway, I'll keep focusing on the letter L this week since we only did a couple days last week.  If I tell him it's project time, he becomes obtuse and says he doesn't want to do it and it's not fun.  Okay.  I had set out his bin with an art project, the level from Matt's tool box, some books, and the Android tablet (planned on looking at pictures of lobsters, llamas, and lemurs).  He wanted to read the books.  So we read the story about his memory verse, the Little Blue Truck, Let's Count, and The Tawny Scrawny Lion.  He didn't want to glue the pictures of things that start with L on the L sheet, but he did want to LOOK at the pictures, so we looked at them while he named them.  He didn't want to do anything else, so we played with Legos and loaders. ;)  And then we log-rolled each other around the living room, which he thought was hysterical.

Luke woke up and joined us.  Clearly it took a few minutes to wake up.

......and then we went to the park. :)

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