Saturday, April 6, 2013

April 6, 2013

I KNOW, I've been awful.  Fully intended to post every day on this blog, and look how well that's been going lately.  But that's the way life is, right?!

I think Luke's bottom teeth are about to make their debut. Which makes him mildly dramatic at times.  I think I've mentioned this before, but if I had a soundtrack to my day, it would be Bono singing "All I Want Is You" over and over and over again.

And then Levi started trying to dump his afternoon nap. I'm not so naive as to think that he's old enough to give up that nap, so the rule is that he stays in bed from 1-3 no matter what.  And he's fine with that.  He has himself to jabber with, and that's all he needs apparently.  He has "Life at the Pond" on my iPod to listen to, but as soon as all five of those episodes are over, I think he bounces up like bread out of a toaster.  Yesterday I heard him say to himself, "I can't lay down. I'm so, so not tired" about ten times in a row.  When I ask him why he didn't sleep, he says, "Because I want to talk."  Alrighty.

But then he'll sometimes fall asleep for a few extra minutes, and then wakes up grumpy.  Cue Bono again.

 Hey, lookie here!!  We're outside, and Luke's on the ground, not on me!!  I raked the sticks and leaves and stuff in the yard, and on my heels Levi picked it up and scattered it in piles around the yard.  Three cheers for shoveling in a snow storm...and doing any form of cleanup with a two year old.

 In a few weeks we're going to put in at least two more raised beds in the back yard, and some large containers on the side of our house, and hopefully have some success at growing a whole lot more of our own food.  I CAN'T WAIT to have my laundry flapping in the breeze, my babies tumbling around in the grass, and be weeding our gardens in my bare feet in the sunshine.

And in case you weren't already aware....well, Matt and I give fun a whole new meaning.  Last night, after the boys were in bed, just for kicks, we................put a marshmallow Peep in the microwave just so we could laugh our butts off. We are just that crazy.

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