Friday, April 12, 2013

April 12, 2013

Seven. Months.

Seven months?!

Lukie is seven months today.  Part of me thinks yes, it has most certainly been seven months. And the other part of me feels like it was just a couple days ago that my nurse checked one more time and said, "Oh!! He's right there. Ummm....yeah.  Hold on...." and not very many pushes later, Lukie Kabukie was ready to boss the world around. ;)

He finally decided - today! - that rolling over without the help of his brother was finally worth it.  He's cutter his lower teeth and I bought him an amber teething necklace to see if it would keep him more comfortable. People swear by those things, and I thought it was worth a shot.  At best, it really works. At worst, he looks like a girl like he's getting back to his Hawaiian roots (and yes, he does have Hawaiian roots - can't you tell?).  I joke - but I think I really will do it - that at Tulip Time while everyone's gussying their kiddos in Dutchy costumes and snapping pics in front of the tulips, I'm going to get Hawaiian leis and grass skirts at a party store and dressing my boys up in those, and snap pics in front of the Tulips.  Little does everyone know that their great-great-grandparents left the sunny shores of Portugal to settle a little bit of real estate in Hawaii.  And here they are in Michigan, masquerading as blond-haired blue-eyed Dutch boys!  (To be fair, they do have a fair amount of German and a bit of Dutch in them too.)

ANYWAY.  We call Luke The Babymaker.  Because he's just that sweet of a baby - chubby, cute, happy, affectionate, coo-ey...that he does make you want to have another.  But then he puts the kabash on that roughly around 2am. ;)  He loves to stand on your lap and grab - and I mean grab in every sense of the word - fistfuls of your face and plant a huge, sloppy baby kiss square on it.  He loves to talk with you.  He has twinkly little blue eyes and a loud belly laugh.  He LOVES Molly and hanging out with Levi.  He's still pretty immobile - he "swims" in place but is a ways from crawling.  Levi has been very patient at sharing book time with Luke because Luke grabs-grabs-grabs at the pages, tears them out, and stuffs them in his mouth.  Then he flattens himself like a plank, slithers down your lap and twists around so he can watch you, upside-down, while you read.  His hair grows out in every direction from his head, and between that and his big round eyes, he looks just like a little owl.

We are crazy about him.

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