Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 7, 2013

Well.  It's not every day that nursing students show up after their lecture armed with dinner ingredients, and leave you an hour later with a delicious pot of dinner simmering on the stove.

Our family has been the "clinical" this semester for a couple of nursing students in their Family Nursing rotation. (I know one of them from church, so that's how that came about.)  Part of their care plan involved creating a gluten-free meal. :)  We're always up for that!!!  Levi was very excited for them to come and donned his celebratory shark sweatshirt.

Highlight of Levi's month: his toddler/preschool version of Highlights magazine coming in the mail.  I don't have to say anything - I just hold it up for him to see, and he dances a jig and sings, "Thank youuuuu!!!!" and sits right down to read it. And we read each issue and back issue over and over and over and over again.

So thankful to make it outside a little more frequently these days.  I can't WAIT until the day when going outside will not take 30min of planning and execution, and I put Luke down to play in the grass.  I think he's looking forward to that too...but he's very content in the Ergo and usually takes a very comfy little nap while I chop and shovel ice in the driveway.

Other favorite part of the day: Levi running laps around the house this morning telling me about the "sucker truck" he invented.  From what we gather, it's kind of like an ice cream truck.  He says it's red and the doors open wide and it's full of suckers, and kids can come and get whatever color sucker they want, and when they get their sucker they'll say, "That's a good deal." This picture is Levi animatedly describing the sucker truck to Matt.  Yes, that bag of Costco tortilla chips really is that big.

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