Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 6, 2013

We went to the Critter Barn today with my friend Sara and her three little boys. She has a set of twins Levi's age that I took care of at work when they were born.  Levi's primary goal was to find a tractor.  He was mildly interested in most of the animals, but kept wandering away in search of...a tractor.  I left my camera in the car, and it's probably for the best because it was hard enough to keep Levi corralled and push Luke's stroller.  (Product plug: the Chicco umbrella stroller never ceases to amaze me.  It really could double as an off-road stroller. And it fits through very narrow spaces.)

At one point he unlatched the pen of Nelson the potbellied pig, and in a surprisingly deft move, Nelson got all William Wallace (FREEEEEDOMMMMM!!!) and scootched his potbellied self on out of there.  At first it was sort of humorous, but then it sort of wasn't when Nelson clearly was faster (and more motivated) than I would have credited him.  It took several of the staff and Critter Campers to get him back. I made Levi apologize to one of the ladies in charge.

Right before we left, a tractor was spotted in one of the storage barns.  At first I only let Levi stand at the entrance to look at it, but one of the staff came by and gave him carte blanche to sit on it.  He thinks we're going back there after nap AND dinner to sit on the tractor again.  It's all he can talk about.

This morning, we made Scrambled Egg Super again.  Levi was intent on feeding Soft Doggy (I know, the creativity level here is soaring) a blueberry for breakfast.  This is how he set him up.  Along with his probiotic and cod liver oil pills.

Everyone enjoyed Scrambled Egg Super.  Even Luke.  Levi cleaned up his eggs and sausage (a full serving, mind you) and then asked for oatmeal.  Yes, I made him a bowl of oatmeal and he cleaned that up too.  Luke had eggs, fruit, and oatmeal as well.  I'm not entirely certain how we'll afford to feed these boys in ten years!!

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