Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5, 2013

One of my favorite times of the day is when/if Luke wakes up from his nap before Levi.  That and when I feed him early in the morning.  They're the only two times of the day that we just have each other all to ourselves.  I love to rock him while he slurps on his bottle and curls up in a little ball on my lap.  I took these the other day after he woke up early from a nap. He still has that pink-cheeked sleepy look to him that is so cute.  And Matt and I laugh about his "dress" (it's his sleep sack).  He actually gets around pretty darn well in his dress.


On Friday I asked Levi if he wanted book time, project time, or to make cookies with me.  He chose making cookies.  He spent the time transferring the flour mixture from one container to the other and making a huge mess, but I didn't want to get my knicks in a twist because this was HIS learning time.  So I figured, oh well, whatever makes it in there makes it in there.  We made white chocolate chip Craisin cookies, and they didn't turn out too badly.


Our garden harvest this morning.  My friends have much more impressive gardens and yields, but I'm pretty proud of what we get out of our little (now shriveling) jungle.


Matt suggested using this space in the basement for our school room.  At first I resisted because our basement is pretty ghetto and I just did not want to spend more time down there than necessary.  -But- .....there's not a whole lot of extra space in our house.  The more I thought about it the more I realized it's not that bad of a space.  Matt at some point will repaint the walls white, we'll get a new piece of carpet, and with some fun organizational pieces and classroom stuff on the walls, I think it'll actually be kind of a fun space.  The basement already holds a certain appeal for Levi, so he loves going down there to "do projects."

This morning we started learning the letter V.  He's memorizing John 6:47 (Verily, verily I say to you, he that believeth in me hath everlasting life - I'm less focused on the cumbersome King James language and more on the content of the verse).  He dug making his foam letter V (a carrot and celery forming a V together), we picked veggies out of the garden, dot-painted a volcano (he's getting into that, especially since I had him KA-BLAM! all of the little v's on the volcano), and we played some color sorting games with his trucks and special toys.  Tonight we're having vegetable soup for dinner.

Then we took a wagon ride after lunch.  Luke LOVES that. :)

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