Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26, 2014

If you are looking for excitement, you have entered the wrong blog.

You know when it's been SO cold for SO long that you have run out of things to do, talk about, and generally think about?

Oh, that's do.  It's just as cold at your house.

I will admit that I love extreme weather and the cold and snow really haven't bugged me at all.  I just feel for my boys, especially Levi, when it doesn't LOOK awful outside but it's too cold to take them out to play.  Their boundless energy gets the better of them.  I don't know how many times I've said, "Levi, go jump on the trampoline."

Anyway, the other day I thought, Muffins. Yes. And we made pumpkin muffins.  To keep Luke occupied I gave him a bin of rice and some measuring cups. He scooped the rice ALL OVER the floor and I basically rice-skated my way around the kitchen.  Levi - I was so proud of him - he used to beat feet out of the kitchen when I pulled out the hand mixer.  As in, up until last week.  When we made our muffins, he said, "I want to help hold the mixer this time."  And he did. He was very brave.

Since there is zero else to report, I will tell you about learning the letter T.

Truck puzzles and gluing T things on a big letter T.

T is for....Total bummer. Levi had a cough and a few sneezes for about two days last week, and that pretty much is the extent of any illness for that kid.  Everything bounces off him and lands on...Luke. Poor Luke.  He was wheezing and had a VERY high respiratory rate by Monday afternoon.  I am the kind of mom who never takes her kid to the doctor unless something very, very drastic is occurring.  Well, this wasn't imminent death, but there were enough subtle signs that sent up a few red flags and I wanted to be on the safe side.  The doctor agreed - she wanted to see him pronto.  He probably has RSV, which for little guys is no joke.  He came home with a nebulizer and albuterol treatments. :(  Thankfully, I've only needed to use it twice so far.

T is for...treasure. We read the parable of the man who sold everything he had to buy a field that had treasure in it.  Then we went on a treasure hunt (Matt has an old chest downstairs, I filled it with random oddball things as "treasure" for the boys to pick through), and colored treasure chests and glued "jewels" on them.

*Luke's lips are blue not due to respiratory distress, but due to the fact that he sucks on markers.*

T is for....teeth!

We looked in a mirror at our teeth, looked at a chart of our different teeth and talked about what they are for, and how to take good care of our teeth.

The boys painted teeth white using tooth brushes and white paint.

Levi sorted "bad" food for the "sad" tooth and "good" food for the "happy" tooth

And then we had these for snacks.  I know, I'm laughing uproariously as I type this.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. Jenny, you are just AMAZING. The best part is the last picture. How in the world did you come up with that? Awesome.....xoxo
