Friday, March 7, 2014

March 7, 2014

"T" week last week was super fun. There are so many cool things that start with the letter T.

"U" is for uninspiring.  Haven't done anything with that this week.

It was so much fun during a very cold and blah day last week to do fun things with Matt's tools.  It kept the boys happy and entertained for quite some time.

Foam blocks from the craft section at Meijer and a bag of bright golf tees - that was easy

Levi doesn't normally get into something like sorting, but he really enjoyed sorting the golf tees on his plates that just happened to match perfectly

Who doesn't use screwdrivers to teach counting and size sequencing?

Our art projects for the week: teeth, treasure, trains.

Thankfully, Luke's bout with whatever-the-heck came and went in about five days.  He only needed three neb treatments and slept very well every night.

Bath before nap = bed head.  Amber, if you're reading this you're probably on the verge of staging an intervention.  Their hair is awful right now.

I realized the other day that Luke has been in an unusually sunny mood lately - and then I realized, hey! He's almost done cutting teeth for the time being and he's not sick!  The REAL Luke is really fun and sweet! LOL

Luke is very into doing everything with Levi.  It's so cool now that he's less "baby" and becoming more "kid" and will do anything alongside Levi.  They disappear and quietly play with trucks or pretend they are flying an airplane upstairs by lining up chairs, or gather their books and read next to each other.  We are loving this stage.

Luke turns 18 months next week which is entirely unbelievable.  I was 4 or some odd months pregnant with him when Levi was this age and the thought of being pregnant and chasing a child this age now is inconceivable.  He still doesn't talk much - pointing and jabbering in Chinese seems to suit him well.  He's an excellent communicator, just not with words.  He says maybe 5 or 6 words fairly consistently, and has said many, many words once or twice. Sometimes he has even pulled out a two or three word phrase....but never will it be uttered again. I know this is typical for second born boys but it's frustrating because we KNOW he knows words, he just doesn't see the point in saying them.  Then again...maybe I don't really want to know what he has to say.  I have a feeling he's opinionated.

Levi turned into more of a boy - not even LITTLE boy, a BOY! - this past week or so.  Little things.  He's potty trained but #2 is hit or miss still. :/  He tries to dress himself and the other day he put on his own socks (socks seem to be challenging, so that surprised me).  This is mildly embarrassing, but we never pushed him to drink from a cup - he's always toting his Nalgene sippies.  On Monday he saw a cup he wanted at Meijer and at lunch he just...started drinking from it (we had practiced before, but it wasn't very successful nor was it a huge priority to us).  He helps me with some chores and gives Luke a hand with some things.  He's always been a very verbally expressive kid, but even the things he says are starting to sound more mature.  It's just strange. I remember bringing this little baby home, and now he's a full-blown KID.

Yesterday the boys were bored and tempers were flaring.  I pulled out the bin full of beans and they loved it.  Luke flung beans all over the living room. ALL. OVER.  Awesomesauce.

I made blue sparkly play doh.  Because...I'm a girl and we need SOME sparkly in this house!

And THENNNNNNN...Grampa Mark came and brought a new project bench he made for the school room.  It's eight feet long!!!! The boys felt very important helping put it together. I made lunch and listened to the radio in blissful peace.  I told Dad he can come every day at lunch and do a project in the basement!!

Summer project: putting this room together and making it sa-weet.

Thoroughly unrelated: have you seen on FB those links for making your own salads in a jar?  I love to eat salads but I usually don't have time during lunch to do all the veggie chopping/assembling amidst the sippy-throwing, constant requests, reminding to (clenched teeth) sit-down-on-your-keester, etc, so I usually throw together a sandwich.  Today I assembled a couple jars for the weekend.  I have this link on my Pinterest board to remind me how the layers go.

I also stopped by my buddy Krista's house today on our way home from our farm run to pick up a scoby for brewing my own kombucha.   Very exciting.  I geek food and beneficial bacteria and (as my friend teases me) breastfed chickens and stuff like that so humor my oddities. :)

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