Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014

So my stock answer to Levi every time he asks me what we are having for breakfast/lunch/dinner, or for a snack, or whatever, is "Dirt and worms."  Or if he asks me what we can do, I'll say, "Eat dirt and worms."  He shrieks "NOOOO!!!" every. single. time.  I keep telling him, one of these days I WILL feed you dirt and worms and you just might like it!  More shrieking in protest.

Last week I called his bluff and made "dirt and worms."  The gummy-worm-in-a-bowl-of-pudding- and-crushed-Oreos kind.

He still didn't get it.

He saw me buy the stuff at the store.  I told him it was for dirt and worms.  Protest.

*Organic pudding.  I don't recommend. 


 He helped me crush the cookies (gluten free "Oreos" are alarmingly close to the real thing, BTW).  Still protesting the thought of eating dirt and worms. He was not catching on at all.


Of course had to play with the crushed cookies.

After nap time I served up - ta-da!!! - DIRT AND WORMS!!!!

He didn't buy it.

He said, "NO.  These are GUMMY WORMS."  Dug them out, hopped down and grabbed a cloth napkin out of the cupboard, and wiped the pudding and cookies off the worms, and THEN ate them.  Didn't touch the pudding and cookies.  He was just too repulsed at the thought.


Hey!  Who wants to see snow pictures?!  Me neither!  But I want to keep them for posterity's sake.  Feel free to skip over them.  I'll probably look back on them this summer when it's hotter than a horse's patoot and I'm hogging the kiddie pool.

Josiah came over on Saturday morning while Mary did some stuff at church.  It was fun having three little boys in the house AND Matt around!!

Matt and I are really into watching adventure documentaries lately on our Amazon Prime account.  We watched "High Sierra" on Saturday night, which is about hiking the John Muir Trail from Yosemite to Mt. Whitney.  One of my bigggggessssst regrets ever is not going to Yosemite while I lived in CA.  I was originally hired to work as a camp nurse at Yosemite Sky Lake, right outside the park, but in a fun twist of events the Lord plopped me in southern Colorado instead. :)

Anyway, the next morning we told Levi about it and he wanted to see it too.  He sat down and watched the whole hour and a half!!!  And today he wanted to watch it again!! haha!!  We'd love to hike some of the JMT when the boys are teens.

Last week we did the letter Q and talked about the fruit of Peace.  We read the story of Jesus calming the storm and talked about how He is the one in whom we should seek peace, when we are afraid, or angry, or sad.  We built a small boat and put it in a little container filled with water, and told the story over and over again, and I would then rock the basin back and forth to create the "storm" and yell like the disciples were yelling, and then Levi would play the part of Jesus and say, "Peace!" and I'd make the "storm" stop.  Not my idea.  Got it from

This week we are doing the letter R and our fruit is Patience.  We'll do the story of Abraham and how he had to be patient for what God promised him.  I bought a star fruit to remind us of the story and I have some fun activities planned, that I actually for once thought up myself!!! haha!!

Luke loves to color.  He put Matt's hat on himself. :)

Gave them Bananagrams letters to play with this morning.  Levi is so "project" oriented, he pulled out his trucks and did construction with them.

Luke would make Maria Montessori proud, he's a textbook transferer/sorter.  He eventually neatly transferred his letters to different bowls and spaces.

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