Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9, 2014

We talked about patience a lot this week.  I said we talked about it, not that we demonstrated it.

Anyway, we focused some on the letter R (and somehow that led to a lot of talk about rattlesnakes, because Matt has a great rattlesnake story and Levi asks to hear it over and over and over again) and talked about the fruit of patience.  We read the story of Abraham and talked about how God made a promise to him and he had to be very patient to see even a little bit of it fulfilled.

On the heels of the Abraham story, we built a "starry sky" fort.

To make a starry sky fort:

Tip a Pack-n-Play on its side and stick Christmas lights through the mesh.

Cover with a blanket and ta-da!!!  You have a starry sky.

So I told Levi that whenever we look at the starry sky, we can remember that God told Abraham that he would more descendants that the number of stars in the sky.

I dragged these hooligans around the block again on a sort of sunny day.  That workout is no joke.

Levi was so inspired by the John Muir trail that one day when he was bored I pulled out the "tent" again and set up a "campsite" complete with wild animals and a "tree."

Note the wild animals scattered about.

Bear and tree.

He said Molly was a mountain lion.  ((shudder))  If you know me well, you know that mountain lions are one of my biggest ever fears.

We packed his backpack and he insisted he needed trekking poles so I gave him my ski poles.  The stairs were his "mountain."

Before one of our "hikes."

My little hiker. :)  (This was yesterday when he wanted to play this again...augh! The mountain lion is in the background!)

He wanted to build a campfire so I suggested the trampoline and gave him a basket of wood (Luke's board books).

We roasted marshmallows with my fall decorations.

I had no idea he would be so into this but he played this way ALL DAY.

Matt had to make an impromptu trip to California this weekend.  This is his suitcase. Some people use a brightly colored scarf or ribbon or bandana to set their suitcase apart from the others.

My husband uses a dirty old sock.  It certainly will deter others from thinking it's theirs.

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