Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 13, 2013

I am pleased to say that it was a delightfully uneventful day.  No plans, wore sweats - wait, I wear those every day, never mind - no huge meltdowns (only the usual ones).  Score.

Levi runs out of his room every morning now to see what his "project" is.  This morning was just the dig-the-numbers-out-of-the-rice and match them to the numbers on the kangaroo (I admit that coloring the kangaroo last night was a relaxing outlet for me).  He enjoys that...but what he enjoys even more is gathering his trucks afterward and digging in the rice.

Then he glued jewels on a crown to put on his foam "K" - but he wanted to crown Luke first.  Remember when we used to call Luke "The King?" hahahahaha  I keep remembering some of his kingly demands from when he was a young baby, and at the time it seemed like it would never end.

Made banana blueberry muffins this morning. Levi was in charge of banana mashing.  Luke was tired and wrapped around my knees so I strapped him on my back.  When he started to snore I put him to bed.  Some mornings you just still need a nap.

I'm not gonna lie: Luke sleeping + setting Levi up with a learning app = a surprisingly refreshing few minutes to myself! (And clean up the kitchen.)

I have noticed lately that I am no longer called "Mama."  I am "Heymama."  Heymama, where is my water?  Heymama, what's for lunch?  Heymama, is it nice outside?  Heymama...Heymama....Heymama...

After every single ingredient I added to the muffins, Levi ran back into the kitchen (because he runs out as soon as I turn on the mixer.  I like Aunt Mary's mixer better.  It's quieter, he says) and asked, "Heymama, are the muffins ready to eat yet?"  No, Levi, I just added the baking soda.  Heymama, are the muffins ready to eat yet? Nooooooo......

It was well worth our while to bundle up and head out today for a little bit. 

He has dirt on his nose because he licked dirt off a plastic shovel.

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