Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 12, 2013

Luke's fourteen months old today! And he had his first haircut!!


 He screamed the whole time loved it!

I just have to pause and say that this pretty much sums up the boys' personalities.  Levi did not love his first haircut, but he quietly accepted it with a slightly distressed look on his face. 

(Levi's first cut, December of 2011 - almost the same age as Luke)

 Luke screamed while I got MY hair cut AND his...until Amber started popping Smarties in his mouth.  Thankfully, even though he was loud about it he sat still.  He just made it very apparent that he didn't LIKE it.

Poor little warrior. He was so tired from crying that I nearly had to hold his head up.

The Smarties were like magic.  His face is broken out and blotchy because he's cutting molars. :(


 He does look very handsome now.  I feel like I put my baby on the chair and pulled a little boy off when it was done. :(

Speaking of, we moved the oh-so-faithful rocking chair out of the living room last night to make more space for the boys to play where the toys are stored.  We LOVE our rocking chair but we aren't rocking babies to sleep anymore, and every little bit of space counts.  I put the town/road rug out that we bought when Levi was a baby but he never got into it...and funny enough, now that it's in a new location, both boys were SO into it this morning.  The rocker is upstairs where Luke sleeps adjacent to our room, and when he moves in with Levi we'll use that space as a little reading room.



 Love this of Luke.  Except the drool coming off his chin, which is pretty permanent right now.

This was Matt's idea this morning: match the letter with the object.

Levi was only mildly interested at first, but said he wanted to leave it out so he could work on it later...which he actually did do.  So I guess it was a success. :)

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