Friday, October 25, 2013

October 25, 2013

Holy moly, has time ever escaped me.

I'm just going to do a photo dump and update so I can catch up, AND because poor Nana is bored out of her mind as she is off her feet after toe surgery, so the least I can do is give her some pictures to look at. :)

Last week I thought, hm, it's the end of October. I need to pull out the rest of the tomatoes before it starts to get gross out.  Man, am I ever glad I did!  Levi loved the last hurrah playing in the dirt and "working on the farm" as he calls it...Luke loved eating the mud for the last time.

We had  a great time doing fall activities last week.  I checked out a bunch of story books about pumpkins and apples from the library, we had some really fun worksheets that Levi loved, and we baked sugar cookies and decorated them.  He was very insistent that one of them was for Josiah, so we made an impromptu trip to see Josiah and deliver his cookie. :)  We took one to Matt at work, too.

We're trying to work on the letter G this week but Luke dumped his morning nap.  This has thrown my morning into a different universe as we adjust to yet another new normal.  I am nearly breathless with excitement at the freedom that no-morning-nap offers, yet at the same time we had a neatly packaged morning routine that is now all blown up.  Levi loves his little half hour of video time while I clean the house, and then we spend about a half hour or so doing our 'project time.'  Welp, video time now involves Luke literally climbing into the armoire and manhandling the TV (Levi: MAMA!!! LUKIE'S IN THE CABINET! NO! NO! NOOOOOO!!!!!!)  Trying to get any housework or projects done with Levi was a pretty epic disaster yesterday...I bagged the enterprise and figure we'll either have to table it for now (I remember this age with Levi was very difficult for getting things done, too...they are into everything, want to be right at your feet, aren't sturdy or trustworthy enough to be left alone for any length of time, and are still very needy), or retool and break our projects up throughout the day.  Levi LOVES his projects so we're not doing it because I'm a pushy helicopter mom, but because he asks for them. So we'll see.

Some of the stuff we did get done this week, if you are one of my homeschooling friends looking for ideas:

Pattern/sequencing with bugs...he was kind of mystified by this but seemed to be mildly interested)

Shapes/geometry to build a garbage truck - this is one of his favorite things to do.  Anything that involves gluing and trucks.  He also loves to hold the marker and 'help' me write.

Numbers - He asked for an activity that involved monkeys and bananas.  So I glued the monkeys on the sheet and cut out foam bananas, and told him he had to "feed" the monkeys their specified number of bananas.  He really got into that one.  

More numbers - the magnetic numbers were hidden in a bin of rice, and he had to dig them out and match them to the numbers that were written on the garbage truck.  He's not super good with identifying numbers.  He seemed to like the activity though.

We made granola bars, checked out books at the library (one lady cracked up at him because he was so excited to be there and kept running up to me with books: LOOOOOOK!!!!!  LOOK AT THIS BOOK, MAMA!" - and it would be a book about the State of Maryland, LOL - she said, "Wow, it's like Christmas!), and did some learning apps on the iPad.

Snow yesterday!!!  Levi begged to go out in it.  I thought that sounded like a great idea.'s October. Do YOU know where your snow stuff is?

After 45 minutes of rummaging through the closets, fishing out my boots from storage, pulling tags off new stuff, finding mittens that matched, trying on boots, changing diapers, wiping noses, wrestling on snow suits...we went outside.

Here's what Luke thought:

Admittedly, it's hard when you're already Surefoot Sam who stumbles around in normal clothes and shoes after only learning to walk a few weeks ago.  So when you put on a snow suit that hardly allows you to get up from a sitting position, life is frustrating.

Levi, though, was very happy to be outside.

After about ten minutes of falling, crying, frustration (he DID perk up when he found a nice pile of mud to squish his new mittens in....*siiiiigggggghhhhh*), I called it a wrap and we came inside...a flurry of muddy, wet winter clothes.  Nearly an hour of preparation, ten minutes of crying and mud-flinging outside, and then a pile of cleanup.  Huh. Shades of the next six months?  *sob*

On a more positive note, behold the cuteness.  He's a little stinker and he slays us.

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