Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October 9, 2013

I realized that it's closer(ish) to the end of the year, which means that I have documented nearly a year so far on a fairly regular basis (with a few dormant periods in there).  And even for it's mundane-ness, it's SO FUN to look back on it all and remember the most random things that would otherwise fade into non-memory.  Even on my old blog I love reading old posts and remembering the best AND worst times.  I would encourage you, even if you are going through a time that you'd rather never remember: write it down.  Every feeling, every question.  It's almost always worth it to go back and see how things have changed, how faithful God has been, how much you learned in that trying time. we went to the zoo today with Mary and Josiah.  Last time we wanted to do the zoo it ended up raining. Today's weather was p-e-r-f-e-c-t.  We originally wanted to go to the farm for the letter F, but the zoo was easier this time around.  

Last time Matt and I took Levi to the zoo he was about 18mos old and far more interested in the trash cans and manhole covers.  Two things I learned: he's still not much into animals, and Josiah is well on his way to becoming an Olympic track star.  That kid can RUN.  Mary and I were made acutely aware of our out-of-shape state by trying to keep up with him.  We did have a really good time, saw some great animals, and the boys loved playing on the climb-able thingies they had there.

This lion looked so old I'm not certain I saw any teeth in his mouth.  Just kidding, I did see his teeth when he yawned, but man, he was hobbling.  Poor guy.

Note the ever-present Fire Chief jacket.

Highlight: a Bobcat!! But not the kind we paid to see.  This is going to be the tiger exhibit next year.

Newly-built 'natural' playground.  This was a rope trampoline of sorts that the boys loved. Josiah always rocks the action shot.

Heaven for Levi: a tractor to play on.

And a toy train to play on.

Luke stayed home with Nana, because taking a one-year-old who would rather walk than be in a stroller, who has missed his morning nap is not fun to take to the zoo while chasing a flighty 2yr old.  Nana said that after we left he walked around the house hooting (his signature "hoot" is a high-pitched distress signal that he's had ever since birth that alerts us to the fact that he's not getting enough attention) and saying Mama.  He definitely noticed that he was not included. :(  Poor buddy.  He took a very cheap afternoon nap, and it was clear that he was just trying to make up for lost time with me.  All he wanted to do was play.  I was happy to oblige.

He loves puzzles.

Happy teething squishy.

Yesterday when we were in the yard I realized that no one was crying for my attention.  No one was stuck in the grass unable to crawl or walk.  No one was frustrated that I was somewhere that they couldn't get to.  We were all doing our own thing and it was...peaceful.  And fun.

Even the Neediest Dog Alive had her own agenda to take care of.

You can't really see Luke back in the Berry Connection, but he's there.  Levi was hauling garden dirt.  I was turning compost.  Sometimes I fold laundry in the grass.  Trying to eat up every second of sunshine before the snow flies.

Luke hijacked the garden pinwheel.

Here's Levi's 'F is for Fox'

He wasn't too into yesterday's morning challenge. He did those first two rows and then jumped ship. Oh well.  Had it been trucks.....

He LOVES Starfall.  I'm hitting numbers and shapes more this week.

His story about Josiah. LOL

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