Monday, October 14, 2013

October 14, 2013

This has nothing to do with my boys, but I feel like I'm standing a couple inches taller today because I am roasting my first whole chicken. This feels like the height of domesticity to me, not that I'm trying to reach the height of domesticity, but I picture roasting a chicken as being on par with washing your clothes with a wringer washer.  Even though I know it's not, and it's painfully simple. But the truth is, I'm intimidated by the whole skin-and-bones factor, so I have always mingled comfortably with boneless, skinless parts.  Today I bit the bullet, and found that it was quite easy, and next time I'll be far less clumsy.  I dilly-dallied through most of the prep because I was really putting off the whole touching-the-chicken thing and holding a whole raw chicken in my mitts.  You would think I'd be over that, but I'm not.  Nor am I able to wrap my mind around reaching into ANY body cavity without gloves on.  And yes, I do have a box of gloves and yes, I used them. 

I love chicken from Kapenga.  It made me a little bereft that this girl may very well have been one of the ones that we said hi to this summer.


 I laughed a little maniacally at myself because I admit that I am not well-versed in chicken anatomy. I was trying to apply human anatomy landmarks to poultry.  I can start an IV in a barely visible infant vein, but it was a little befuddling - I am very embarrassed to admit this - where I was supposed to stick the lemon.

I did find it.

Here she is!  Sorry, I feel like I should cover her up to protect her privacy. :(

She's in the oven now and smells delicious. I used this recipe.

Last week Levi and I made fruit pizza for the letter F.  I have also never made fruit pizza before, but is was less scary.  Gluten free sugar cookie dough isn't so easy to work with, but it turned out great anyway.  If you are GF and don't want to dink around with making your own flour or adding xanthan gum, you MUST MUST MUST use this flour.  It makes everything turn out perfectly.

Levi LOVED the pizza.  He kept saying, "This is the BEST ever!! Mama ROCKS!  You are a ROCK STAR!"

It's not perfect but it tasted great.

I'm having to hit Pinterest lately to find good morning challenges for Levi.  Last week I printed off truck pictures, glued them to foam shapes that I cut out, and buried them in rice.  Levi had to fish them out and glue them on the sheet to the corresponding shapes. He LOVED this activity.

This morning he had to match the 'baby letters' with the 'mama letters'.  I made it a little challenging and he needed some help, but he liked it. He loves the whole baby-mama concept so I knew that would speak to him.


This week we're breaking from the letters and doing an autumn theme.  I didn't super-plan but I have some good ideas of what we'll do and it'll be fun. :)

Random of Luke. He LOVES playing under the table.  And playing with Molly's food.

Not sure what Luke's deal is lately, if he's going through a sleep regression or wanting to dump his morning nap. He sleeps GREAT for that morning nap but does NOT want to sleep during the afternoon.  Levi I could let howl it out at this age and he'd back down, but Luke....notsomuch.  So I let him play while I fussed around with The Chicken, and then put him down later, which he agreed to do.  I just think he might have been happy to have all of the toys to himself.


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