Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 30, 2013

It was the perfect day for a Thursday at Helder Park.  Erinn and I met up with our boys and they had a riot together.  Remember - Jack and Levi are a month apart, and Luke and Elliot (did I spell it right, Erinn?) are a day apart.  We planned that well. ;)

They kept scrambling up on this...thingy...together.  Jack gave me a great smile, Levi gave me a Levi smile, LOL.

This series of pictures makes me roll.  In the span of 20 seconds Luke gives me a gamut of facial expressions, and Elliot is just giving me a deadpan "WHAT." look.  They were such good little babies as we hefted them around to chase their brothers.

My favorite thing about taking the boys to the park: when we get home, lunch has been eaten and bodies are worn out.  They went straight to bed and both slept for three hours.  That's when I feel like Supermom!!! hahahahaha

In other news: I have to introduce you to the most gentle, sweet, needy, passive-agressive territorial dog ever.  She puts up with ear-pulling, tail-pulling, general fur-pulling, being stepped on, being put outside and forgotten (for a couple hours, not a couple days, Char don't worry)...and the only retaliation she musters is to stake her claim on the boys' toys.  And their stuffed animals.  And their baby jungle gym.  And the boppy.  And she begrudgingly gets up and moves when Levi barks, "Mah-yee, GO. ON." (We're working on his bossiness toward her.)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, that top Elliot picture is a SCREAM!! HAha! :) I make Wynn run laps in the yard before lunch/nap. I swear you have to wear boys out!!
