Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 28, 2013

How do you make a little boy's day?  You send him a package in the mail filled with Thomas the Tank Engine cars.  We received such a package last week from a very special friend and Levi has been absolutely, positively addicted ever since.  And to top it off, while we were at Nana's this past weekend, she found a box in the basement that was filled with wooden track in perfect condition!!!  He's been playing with his train set (not normally a cheap investment, let alone FREE!) every second he can spare for the past couple of days.  Thank you, thank you, thank you dear friends and Nana.  You have made one little boy very, very happy.  While I make him breakfast in the morning, he sings out, "Lou are welcome to play trains with me, Mama!" (Y's are L's right now)

Train cars just arrived in the mail.  Even Luke was happy to have some new toys. :)

Levi shared very nicely.

Lining them up to tell me all of their names (he watches Thomas on "LouTube")

Absolutely electrified by his new train track. :)

Next question: how do you make a baby very grumpy and frustrated?  Give him every opportunity to crawl when it just won't happen yet.  Poor Luke could market a fabulous yoga/Pilates workout - his plank, swim, and downward dog are executed with perfect form.  But the part of his brain that is responsible for forward motion has not lit up yet.  Makes for a lot of tears and shrieking.  He can pull himself up given the right leverage and enough of a ledge to grab, and has even tried to stand on his own, but he. is. so. frustrated. about not crawling.

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