Monday, May 20, 2013

May 20, 2013

Levi said,  "I LIKE buddy time with my bruvver!"

Wow.  I have a lot to catch up on.

The past two weeks have been a little busy - but I don't want to miss the fact that Luke is 8 months old now!!  He's trying so hard to crawl, is far happier if he's standing (he's trying to pull himself up but not a ton of success yet), is quite the hambone (as soon as he sees the camera on him he lights up a megawatt smile), and is very opinionated. ;)  He LOVES toys - Levi liked toys as a baby, but was more impressed with non-toy items like wooden spoons and bowls.  Luke, on the other hand, will completely abandon a delicious bottle if he spies a pile of toys over my shoulder.  He's still waking up once every night, but that's the season we're in.  He can totally pull a 10 to 12hr sleep but prefers a delicious bottle and warm snuggle to get him over the hump on most nights.

In other news, we put in two raised garden beds (one of the main reasons I've not been updating this), and Levi's morphing into more and more of a little boy lately (Matt and I have really noticed it in the past week, like wow, he doesn't remotely resemble a baby anymore in his looks OR attitude - he is 100% little boy).

I have a lot of fun pics to catch up on but will have to do it over the next few days as time allows.  Grandma and Grandpa Gouveia are coming in from California tomorrow, so we have a fun week ahead!!!

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