Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17, 2013

Well.  Here we are again.

Luke turned NINE MONTHS OLD last week!!!  This age where they start to morph from little babies to little toddlers is riotous.  He finally got his crawl on - starting with a jumping spider technique (walk hands forward...hop both knees forward simultaneously...), and now he's a pro.  He pulled himself up to standing at the window today, and has designs on the stairs.  With his crawling came his vocabulary burst - and mounting frustration that now that he has a taste of freedom, he wants MORE. Lots more.  And he's very inclined to let you know. ;)

He's starting to catch up with his brother's feeding moxy, and is starting to be interested in putting food in his mouth. The other day I gave him blueberries and coarsely chopped pear and he was pretty pleased with those.

His nightly sleeping pattern is slightly less turbulent.  We really can't complain. He sleeps like a rock star during the day, goes down wide awake and plays himself to sleep, goes down without a peep at night, and when he wakes at night he really wants some food in his tummy and about 99% of the time goes right back to bed wide awake without a complaint.  We're just kind of tired of feeding him at night, but that too shall pass.

Luke gives amazing hugs.  When we pick him up he wraps those chubby little arms around our necks and hangs on for dear life. He loves to laugh at his brother and play with Levi's toys.  Levi's okay with sharing sometimes; he does pretty well if I tell him it's okay to not want Luke to play with something in particular as long as he offers Luke an equally cool toy as an alternative. So far he goes along with that plan most of the time.

His personality is certainly more....assertive.  He's not fussy-fussy, he just knows what he wants, when he wants it, and will crawl-chase me around the house to let me know in no uncertain terms that I am not with the program.

He loves his bath.  He splashes so hard that I usually end up drenched and so does the rest of the bathroom. :)

I pulled out the kiddie pool the other day. Levi can take or leave the kiddie pool (I bought it last summer under the guise of a good time for a toddler...really it was for me to park my miserably-hot, pregnant keester in it while the toddler played with something else).  Luke LOVES it.  Big hit.

Not an uncommon look:

Poor, tired baby. :(

I didn't get a good picture of it, but the other day Levi woke up with a *perfect* faux-hawk.  He takes his bath at night, so wakes up in the morning with some pretty gnarly looks, but this one beat all.  And it was STRAIGHT UP.  There was no putting it down. So I put some product in it to make it look like it was done on purpose.  I am not one to style his hair, EVER, but this was nearly an emergency. You can kind of see it in this picture.

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