Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August 20, 2014

Mary and I have been trying and trying to plan a beach day this summer, but summer just hasn't shown up very much in these parts (no complaints about that here!).  Well, summer showed up today and it just happened that we had planned a beach day! It was a smashing success, the perfect pre-polar vortex celebration. You think I'm kidding.

When I was single and working nights I used to go to the beach a few times a week.  Since I'm not much of a lay-out kind of person, I would quickly get bored, grab an ice cream cone, and walk the beach a few times, read my book, and honestly feel a little envious of the people who had something to DO at the moms who had kids to dig in the sand with.  Now, I rarely go to the beach because taking kids to the beach is like taking a pile of CATS to the beach and trying to keep them sort of corralled.  And I nearly weep with envy at the singles/moms with older kids who are setting up their little beach chairs and snacks and books.  But not TOO much, because we do have some pretty funny little cats to herd.

We went to the state park in Grand Haven.  Such a nice beach.  We were there early enough that we had a lot of the beach to ourselves for a bit.  Even when it filled up it still felt like there weren't many people there. The water wasn't terrible - about 70 degrees.


These two. They are so funny together.  Levi and Josiah had so much fun.  We brought our beach toys in a large 3 or 4 gallon bucket.  Josiah took that bucket and doused Levi a few good ones. He knows how to get a party started, that kid. ;)


They laughed their pants off, as Levi and Nana would say.  You could probably hear them clear up the beach.


Luke hung by me and dipped his toes in from time to time.  He gets really into being by the water about one minute before we leave. 


Josiah's post-beach tradish is going out for ice cream.  Little known fact: I am very, very easy to convince to go along for ice cream.  And I sure don't want to let a little boy down.

Levi and Josiah telling the girl at the window over and over and over again that they are besties.


Oh my word, what is NOT TO LOVE about this picture??


Or this one?


1 comment:

  1. Love it! I for one will never pass up a Vanilla and Chocolate twist!
