Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 7, 2014

Ugh. Luke got a cold a couple weeks ago, and he's JUUUUUST getting over it but ever since catching it he sleeps like an hour and a half during nap time.  His usual used to be 2.5-3 hours.  Now he wakes up exhausted still but screaming and screaming and screaming without relent.  Even mild colds in infants and toddlers are exhausting.  The fallout is at least two to three weeks long.  And then if you're lucky, it starts all over again.  If you're really, really lucky, you can have a dear child who needs steroids and nebulizer treatments around the clock every time a cold strikes. Thankfully, this is not my experience but man there sure are a lot of people for whom it is. :(

Today was a slightly less eventful day - ish.  We had the usual drama, but that's a daily thing.  Low expectations help. ;)

We made bird seed 'cookies' this morning.  (The kind you hang out on your tree as little bird feeders.) I wanted to make them over Christmas but we didn't get around to it.  So I thought they'd make sweet little gifts for our "love" week.  Levi loved helping me make them, and we even had an opportunity to talk about ways we can love the creation that God gave us is by helping to take care of it, ways we can show love to others is by giving them gifts, or a note of encouragement, or to pray for them.  Levi is onto the 'earn a cherry for a loving act' thing and actually has picked up his and/or Luke's toys without being asked "so he can get a cherry." No, it's for showing love, but po-TAY-toe/po-TAH-toe.  Here's your cherry.  Or he'll say, "I showed you love by eating all my lunch. Now I get a cherry." Ummmmm..... 

I wanted them to be all hearts but then saw that the recipe said to leave the cookie cutter there until they dried.  So I had to fish out a handful of cookie cutters.

Checking out what the finished product will look like.

Levi is very into puzzles lately so I've been using them for his morning projects.  I may help him with one or two pieces, but other than that he does them independently.  I put out one puzzle this morning from a set of four, and he went ahead and did two more on his own while I made breakfast and he listened to "Who Is God?" from Questions and Answers.

Our fort.  Two little kid tables and a tunnel leading into it.

After lunch I noticed how quiet it was, and suspecting something treacherous I investigated.  Nothing treacherous: just Lukie playing quietly with his pound-the-balls-into-the-holes toy from Nana (which he LOVES) and Levi doing some kind of construction project in his room (he emptied the contents of his closet but I didn't care).  I love how they both play quietly by themselves sometimes.

I just realized Luke will be 16mos on Sunday!!!  In the past few weeks he has refined his ability to say "Mama" (vs. ma-ma-ma - now he yells it very demandingly, "MAMA!"), Dada or Papa, Nana, the other day while we were gone Sarah said he burst out with "Mama bye-bye!", 'woof', he's starting to say 'fish', and he has a little word for toothbrush which sounds like 'broof.'  Today when I was asking him body parts he pointed to my mouth, nose, eyes, and hair.  Incredible how much they change in a matter of weeks.

His new puppy cart. :) That thing is FAST.

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