Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9, 2013

Overall it was a pretty awesome weekend. :)  Luke sleeps in pretty well when no one is trying to sneak by his bed early in the morning!!  He may be moving back in with Levi pretty soon for that reason.  I was on call on Saturday afternoon, and did end up working four hours, but when I came home the boys were in bed, Nana was ensconced in a quilt reading a book, and Matt and I headed out for our new Saturday night tradish: awesome Mexican at Margarita's, fro yo at Peachwave, and a turn about the town.

'B' week!!  We have books about bulldozers, big rigs, bears, best friends, and Brazil.  I want to pick up  the CD "Brazilian Playground" of Brazilian children's music at the library, as well as Bach and Beethoven. Last week we listened to 'African Playground' and the boys LOVED it.  The inside cover of the CD showed pictures of people in Africa, including a group of girls carrying baskets on their heads. Levi wanted to know why they were doing that, so I explained a little bit about it to him...and now he tries to carry everything on his head.

We listened to the song "Who Made God" from Questions with Answers during breakfast and also introduced the first catechism question, Who made me? God made me.  Levi then asked about nearly everything: Who made you? God did.  Who made...Molly? God.  Who made....George ? (his giraffe).  Um....God. (Had to keep it consistent.)  Who made...watermelons?  I was hanging laundry in the basement and just kept yelling, "God did.....God!...God again...God did..."

After throwing a laundry basket at Molly, Levi lost his video time. After much drama about that, he was eager to help me clean, so that was a little bit fun, and he was very proud of himself for helping me refill soap dispensers and running the duster along the...couch...but at least he was happy to help!!
 He kept asking when we got to do projects, when do we get to do projects, can we please do we read our verse (Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God) - and let me tell you, these verses are quite useful.  It's more than a little convicting to try to teach a little boy about using soft and gentle and kind words, when my own tongue can be so sharp.  After reading a few books he was asking to look at stuff on Starfall -

...made his "B"...

..."cut" and tape his verse...

...then Luke woke up, and Levi wanted to paint, so I set Luke up to paint too.  He loves being messy.

(And yes, he ate the paint too.  Yes, it's non-toxic.)

I bought watercolors for Levi and he reeeeaaaallllyyy wanted to try them. I had no idea how frustrating it would be to teach him how to use watercolors.  Water first, Levi...then the, water, you already used water - no, not on the paper ye-...never mind, however you want to do it...water FIRST, Levi.  Son, listen to me.  FIRST water, THEN the pai-...forget it.

Kind words.  Kind words. Kind words.

He had fun anyway.

Well, he was having such a good time, he kept wanting to do more painting, gluing, you name it.  And I was totally ready to go along with it. Until Luke started fussing for his lunch, Levi was asking for HIS lunch, AND wanting to continue projects, AND the googly eyes and sparkly leaves and sequins and pipe cleaners and wooden dowels threw up all over our table.  It quickly went from fun to very irritating and Mama ran out of kind words.  Especially when I had just picked up the last googly eye (do you know how hard those are to clean up????)...and then dropped the container and they flew all. over. the place.

I couldn't be too mad when Levi said, "I'm sorry, mama.  I'm sorry for making a mess.  I won't make a mess next time."  Sweet boy.

Lunch was eaten, the mess was cleaned up, and we went outside.  Luke played in mud, ate sand, and got wet.  Nothing new there. ;)


  1. When I introduce water color paint to my preschoolers we chant "water, paint, paper" over and over. And over and over...they get it eventually! It also makes me crazy when they dip the brush in every. Single. Color. Before touching the paper. I have to bite my tongue and remind myself it's "process not product" when we do art projects with preschoolers.

  2. Brilliant!!! I love the chant!!! I had to keep reminding myself the same thing: 'exposure, not mastery, Jenny. It's his painting, he can do it how he wants!' I was honestly trying to imagine doing this with a pile of preschoolers, spilling supplies, painting all over everything...I have so, so, so much respect for teachers.

  3. You relived our first time with watercolors I know still say it but let it go the paper gets so wet he can't paint anymore it's tearing apart!!!

    You rock what a great day!!! Sweet Levi loving projects and apologizing!!
